Maintaining Blogs

Multiple Blogs
Managing Multiple Blogging Interests

Maintaining Blogs

Finding the time to blog takes planning. Maintaining one blog is one thing. Maintaining multiple blogs is another. If you are thinking of creating more than one blog, plan carefully before you launch them.

I’m a blogger who loves to blog about different topics and help beginning bloggers. When I began blogging, I was working a full-time day job and posting on the blogs whenever I had the time in the evenings and on weekends. Consistent blogging is important in managing blogs.

During the time I began blogging and was working a day job, my husband and I invested in a fixer-upper that needed major fixing up. That wasn’t all. I also was writing a book. Combining these multiple projects, I eventually became overwhelmed. In spite of adding more projects, the book was published and I finally learned how to blog.

Taking on too much

When you take on too much, even if it’s what you like or enjoy, you have to let something go eventually. I stopped blogging on two of my free hosted blogs in order to focus on a self-hosted blog that could eventually bring me extra income.You can only post on one blog at a time unless you duplicate, and that’s not a good thing for SEO (search engine optimization for those of you who are not into blogging).

As a blogger, I have become enthused about an idea, read an inspiring blog about blogging and discovered several more steps required to produce a successful blog, remembered that I still have to finish that blogging course I signed up for and saved but haven’t finished yet, and on and on and on.

At some point, you have to stop and think about your plan and order your steps to accomplish it. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself following the newest how-to-make-money-blogging ad (or whatever ad that offers what you need) that pops up on your Facebook page, daring you to check it out.

Do What Works Best for You

Listen to what works for others, but go at your own pace. Signing up for blogging courses, for instance, can be a good thing but may not be the best decision as far as timing goes. Can you afford it? Do you have the extra time it takes to complete the course? Do what works best for you or else you will become overwhelmed to the point that you won’t accomplish anything. You’ll become bogged down with unfinished projects and be too frustrated to complete them.

Find a way to get your projects organized. See my “Prioritize and Organize Your Clutter” blog post that  explains the ABC way of organizing. Prioritizing your tasks will help you to accomplish your dreams and goals.

One Blog or Multiple Blogs

You have to determine which is best for you, one blog or multiple blogs. If you have a day job, I wouldn’t recommend having multiple blogs. Maintain one blog at first. Then, if you feel like you have the time and want to blog about a different niche, go for it.

One option is to set up a website and have a blog on that website. If your niche covers similar topics, combine them into the same blog but on separate pages. This will help you to minimize your blogging time and prevent you from becoming too overwhelmed.

Bloggers with many diverse interests (mine include food, blogging, and gardening), or irons in the fire as writer Rusty LaGrange defines her blog, often find themselves needing to condense those interests. Rusty has condensed Old West topics into one blog, Old West Statecoach & Trading Post.

Are you a blogger with diverse interests? What has worked best for you? One blog or multiple blogs? Share your blogging experiences in the comment section below.


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