Finding Inspiration to Blog and Write

Angela McCoy Horn
Angela Horn,
Finding Inspiration

I love to go vintage shopping. There is a little cottage vintage shop I go to that is quite amazing. You walk into the gate down a short sidewalk, turn to the left and wind around and around through sort of a vintage village. Sometimes I go just to find inspiration to blog about. It always works. Taking pictures of vintage, flowers in a vintage setting, the vintage oddities – all of it inspires me.

What is your brand of blogging? Do you blog about information, fashion, comedy, social media? What do you do to inspire, to motivate, through your blog posts?

Vintage is only one of my interests. My grandbabies inspire me. Ask a grandmother about her grandchildren and see if she doesn’t tell you a cute story or show you a picture. Yep! That’s what we do, and it’s so fun.

You don’t have to look far to find something interesting to blog about. It helps to network with other bloggers, too. Every time my meetup group of bloggers get together, I am motivated. Look on the internet for blogging groups that meet in your community. If there aren’t any, start one. Don’t know how? You can do it. Take it one step at a time. They may be baby steps, but babies learn and grow.

Beginning Blogging
Start blogging with baby steps – and don’t quit!

What inspired you today? Share it.